To meet the demand for high quality, natural, nut and gluten-free products, we added white label production and established Terra Cotta Foods Co.
A popular Food Network television program that takes its viewers through the process of how certain products are made spent a day filming at Terra Cotta Cookies. The show depicted ...
2015 was a huge year for Terra Cotta Cookie Co. Ltd. in fact we moved to be known as Terra Cotta Foods Ltd. as we began to do so much ...
The Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce has selected Kym Taal as the 2015 “Employee of the Year”. The key account & fundraising manager at Terra Cotta Cookie Co. has booked ...
This is some old school sales material used for our Cookie Fundraising. We found the cutest kids we possibly could to model for the cover. They are our long-time lead ...
Did you know that the company was initially called The Cookie Jar before one of the big cookie manufacturers took exception. Terra Cotta Cookie Co. Ltd ™ was chosen as ...
This is an original factory location in Georgetown on Armstrong Ave. Terra Cotta Cookie Co. Ltd ™ was once much smaller than it is today. They started selling to schools ...
Started up in the kitchen of Pat and Peter Coe in the village of nearby Terra Cotta in 1984, the company was initially called The Cookie Jar